APOLOGETICS Answering someone who says prove God exists -small print version -May 10 Answering someone who rejects the Bible Answering someone who doesn’t believe that God exists Alleged contradictions in the Bible-Feb 10 God/Theism & the Main Opposing World Views Critique of Richard Baldwin at Gulf Coast Community College DaVinci Code Refuted Evidence of the Historical Accuracy of the Bible Introductory Thoughts on Apologetics Miracles Reliability of the Bible & Historicity of Christ Scientific Accuracy of the Bible What About Those Who Have Never Heard Why is there Evil and Suffering, & Is God Good? The importance of & evidence for…THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST FROM THE DEAD Answering Relativists & Pluralists – from Guinness How to Answer & Refute Postmodern Thinking Postmodernism: A Description, Outline & Refutation Comments are closed.